Free Workshop Replays

Problem-Solving Sciatica Workshop
Learn the principles, strategies, and techniques for problem-solving the root cause of Sciatica and creating a progressive program for recovery in this free 1-hour workshop.

Problem-Solving Golf/Tennis Elbow Workshop
Learn the principles, strategies and techniques for problem-solving the root cause of Tennis/Golf Elbow and creating a progressive program for recovery in this free 1-hour workshop.

Problem-Solving Plantar Fasciitis Workshop
Learn the principles, strategies and techniques for problem-solving the root cause of plantar fasciitis and creating a progressive program for recovery in this free 1-hour workshop.
Paid Workshop Replays

Biomechanics Applied Workshop Replays
A 3-part introduction to unlocking the power of biomechanics to build confidence and deliver better results to your clients. Explore the biomechanics of the shoulder, hip and knee. Three workshops for the price of one.

Lunge Matrix as an Assessment Workshop Replay
In this hour-long workshop, join Gymnazo EDU founder Michael Hughes to learn more about what the lunge matrix is and how you can start to use it as a movement assessment.

Spherical Movement Workshop Replay
In this 2-hour workshop, Gymnazo Coach & Movement Specialist CJ Kobliska covers the foundations of Spherical Movement. This is an interactive and experiential workshop meant to help you bring more awareness to your sphere of movement and give you a framework from which to explore your potential.