Multi-dimensional Movement Programming Course

We're excited to have you join this 12-week, step by step, LIVE ONLINE course that teaches trainers how to write & coach multidimensional movement programs that change lives!

To find a payment plan that fits your budget, please see our payment plan options below. 

Payment Plans

Price goes up to $1890 after the first 15 people sign up! So make sure you're one of the first 15 people to save almost $400!



Click the button below to submit a one-time payment.




Click the button below to submit a 3-month payment.




Click the button below to submit a 4-month payment.




Click the button below to submit a 6-month payment.


Want to talk things over?

Let's chat! Click here to book a call with our client journey specialist, Coach Briana.

What We Cover in 12 Weeks

Movement Science Considerations

Explore how local and global movements interact and influence each other and understand the interconnectedness of body segments during movement to strengthen exercise selection for your training population

Programming Systems & Techniques

 Save time by utilizing nomenclature and a proven framework to write balanced, functional training programs that takes into consideration the needs, wants, limitations, & abilities of your unique population

Exercise Modifications

Principles & Application

 Learn essential techniques and principles needed for effective modifications for progressing and regressing exercises to help tailor programs to individual capabilities and needs

Exercise Modifications

for pain or discomfort

Learn to tweak™ exercises for pain, being able to offer strategies to modify exercises in order to alleviate discomfort and enhance performance for people with various limitations

Masterful Coaching Skills

Create a 5-star customer experience by effectively engaging and motivating clients with different temperaments and preferences, ensuring that every client feels valued and satisfied. Build trust and credibility in your practice that keeps them coming back for more

Case Study & Deeper Application

 Use critical thinking & an adaptive approach to review practical and real-world examples to help you apply your knowledge of programming & modifications to achieve optimal outcomes for diverse client profiles

Course Details


  • 2 Live Zoom Calls/wk
    • 1x 90-min Lecture Style Educational Call with Founder Michael Hughes on Tuesdays at 11am PST
    • 1x 60-min Practice Lab with a Senior Coach (day and time TBD)
  • Course Workbook
  • Quizzes and Application Assignments
  • Lifetime Access to the Course 
  • Access to the Community for 2 Years