Gain the Functional Movement Knowledge You're Missing

to Consistently Gain and Retain Clients Through Word of Mouth

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Because of the application based approach and personalized mentoring we provide, spots are limited. 

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 I See You, Coach...

😞 You provide a lot of value to people, but when it comes to monetizing your value…self-doubt creeps in.

🔄  You have some clients, but you’re still figuring out how to maintain them long-term

 💰 You feel like you should be charging more, but you don’t feel like you can justify increasing your prices.

📊 You’re missing the business structure and systems that allow you to better serve your clients.

🫠 At the end of the day, you go to bed feeling overwhelmed and like you should be doing more

I believe it’s simply NOT okay that less skilled coaches get more clients and make more when when YOU are more capable.


I've Been in Your Shoes


I know what it’s like to have invested in tons of continued education but still not know how to apply my knowledge in a way that serves my clients AND grows my business.

This is why I’ve helped 85 passionate personal trainers and coaches build confidence in their knowledge, apply it to better serve their clients, and create a more sustainable future for themselves, their business and their community without slimy sales and marketing tactics.

Check out some of our most recent



Lee M.

I was stuck, stressed and skint as I joined MDMC. I had no new clients coming in, was running on minimum numbers and still managed to feel overworked due to inefficient operations.

After and even during MDMC I saw my client numbers grow with my confidence and clarity, I could see dysfunction easier and had ways to address most issues during sessions. Personally I was also motivated to train more with a renewed energy and lots of new ways to train to avoid pain. I now have the top number of one to one clients I can manage and I am looking to move into new areas to scale further.

Jenni L.

Before MDMC my knowledge was mostly based in the intensities of being a former college athlete and I lacked understanding in movement that ventured outside the realm of strength and conditioning... My client retention was good, I was moderately confident in my programming and skills, and my system/operations were slightly sloppy.

After MDMC I am applying knowledge that dives deep into the human physiology of the human body. I am learning to program on an advanced level and my skills have evolved and grown tremendously. Gymnazo has helped me begin to gain the confidence and develop the skills I need to start my own business.

Rebecca W.

Before starting MDMC I already had a good base of movement knowledge and training practices, but did not feel as solid in my biomechanics knowledge. I did not feel very confident about programming.

After MDMC, I feel more confident about programming and feel like I have a framework for how to approach programming. I just need to go practice out in the real world a whole lot! Despite having a decent movement knowledge and training practices, I do think that MDMC added a lot of knowledge on top of what I already knew. I also feel like I have a better base of understanding of biomechanics.

Most Coaches Think Clients are Hard to Get…

That you need:

🚫 Robust sales systems
🚫 Expensive Facebook Ads
🚫 To post on social media every day
🚫 A fancy website
🚫 To cold DM people daily


I’m here to tell you - YOU DON’T


What if I told you that growing your fitness business could be SIMPLE and you could have a full roster of loyal and dedicated clients

And that you could attract high-paying clients by simply delivering them the results they want.

Because the truth is clients are everywhere! 

They’re not hiding from you. 

The only thing between you and them is your ability to gain their trust by confidently delivering results.

And the way you do that is to deepen your knowledge and application of functional movement and level up the value you provide to your clients with a…

Multi-Dimensional Approach to Movement and Business!


That’s why I created the Multi-Dimensional Movement Coach mentorship program. 

 In it, my team and I combine over 50+ years of experience in programming functional workouts, problem solving client pains, coaching based on behavioral psychology, building business systems and selling premium packages with the pieces that’s missing:


🔑 Your Confidence in Your Knowledge 🔑


And this hasn’t just worked for me and my team. 

It’s worked for many other trainers as well:

John B.

After MDMC, I was able to actually transition to training full time. My wife and I, opened up Acro Fit, which is like the first of its kind anywhere. And a lot of it is just in thanks to everything that MDMC has done knowledge wise for me. Our clients have noticed the value in what we have been able to deliver in our classes and personal one on one interactions by having modifications and a plan for where we want to take everything and how we want to help everybody improve on an individual level. We've built a super solid tribe and community and we've been having new people come in every single week, we already have a lot of memberships. So none of this would be possible at all without MDMC.

Joy J.

Before taking MDMC, I did not feel confident in my ability to design conditioning sessions for my athletes. I got my certification as a personal trainer and then a group trainer to build this confidence, but felt that the courses I took didn't prepare me or equip me to successfully plan these sessions.

MDMC has given me so much confidence and gave me all of the information that I felt was missing in my other courses. I now can plan programs that will specifically help my athletes to get stronger in ways that will help them reach their goals, attain skills and prevent injury. This course has inspired me to not just acquire better skills, but also to be a better coach to my gymnasts and their families.

Kyler B.

Before MDMC, my biggest challenge was not knowing what should be my next step to take. I had a growing clientele but no more hours left in the day to take people on. I didn't know how to optimize my time and not get burnt out but still bring in a solid paycheck.

After MDMC, I feel that I now have PURPOSE and reasoning behind movement training. I feel that I can help people 100x more than I could before the MDMC program. I am much more confident in my abilities to understand what is happening at each joint throughout different movements. It was a top notch experience.


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What is Multi-Dimensional Training?

And why should I use it?

  • Multi-Dimensional Training incorporates all 3 planes of motion into your programmed exercises
  • Trainers using this approach have a 90-97% client retention rate
  • Multi-Dimensional training reduces risk of injury by 87% 
  • It is designed for clients of all ages from baby boomers to elementary school kids.
  • Dramatically increase the sustainability of your workouts and the longevity of your clients
  • Increase your confidence to produce results and bump up your prices

Your Client Results Will Soar

If a client experiences pain, you will know how to intelligently modify in a workout and safeguard your clients in your programming which cultivates trust and turns clients into lifelong members.

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Why do I need the MDMC coaching program?

Becoming a trainer is simple. Mastering the systems and becoming a truly quality coach is the tough part. 

This program teaches actionable information. 

That will save you 100s of hours in problem solving and 1000s of dollars in client turnover. 

Things Like… 


How to program balanced and sustainable 3-dimensional workout programs

(No more questioning if your programs are going to produce results)


How to alleviate your clients' movement pain in real-time

(Gain the confidence to be able to help your clients on the spot)


Learn how to better communicate with and coach clients of all types of personalities

(Making customer service easier while increasing your client retention rate) 

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What's Included in the

MDMC Mentorship Program?

The MDMC Mentorship program is the most in depth step by step walk through you will find on movement science for trainers. 


It features hours of actionable, no BS, fluff free content broken down into 18 modules: 

  • Mindset
  • Dynamic Systems & Chain Reaction® Biomechanics (CRB)
  • Transformational Zones (TZs)
  • CRB & TZs Review
  • Functional Movement Spectrum, Mostability & Proprioception
  • Observational Essentials & Fundamental Movements
  • Body Positions & Nomenclature
  • Tweakology™
  • Tweaking for Pain
  • Movement Assessments
  • Melt. Mold. Move. for Pain
  • Foundations of Programming
  • Small Group Programming Applied
  • Exclusive Programming Applied
  • Intro to Semi-Private Programming
  • Coaching Personalities & Knowing Your Athletes
  • Coaching a Training Session
  • Providing Encouragement & Communication Skills

Coaching Access


You will have access to our cohort weekly group zoom calls.

These are one hour sessions where members can ask Michael any questions in real time. 

 You will have a weekly practice pod with a designated facilitator.

This is where you get to practice and get feedback on how the strategies will best translate to your clients and programs.  


We have over 50 MDMC’ers who all connect, problem solve and celebrate wins in our amazing community. 

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Who is Michael Hughes?

Michael has been a coach in the fitness industry for 20 years now, a Fellow of Applied Function Science® from the Gray Institute® for Functional Transformation for 10 years and owner of a 7-figure fitness facility called Gymnazo for 12 years.

Over the past 17 years he's invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into his education about the body and running a business. In that time, he's learned how to apply physical therapy strategies and fundamental principles of movement science to his training sessions to help hundreds of people reduce or even eliminate their movement related pains and create a thriving sales systems that keeps clients coming back.

It is his mission to teach trainers what he knows and give them a roadmap to a sustainable and profitable career in fitness. One that gives them freedom from time, money, and stress while also providing 5-star results to clients that help them move better and pain free.

Now the million dollar question is: 

Are you in? 

The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best time is today. 

Yes! I Want to Apply

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